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Cyprus residence and work permit for EU citizens.

Nationals from EU Member States have the right to enter Cyprus by simply showing a valid EU passport or ID Card without having to register upon arrival. If there is an intention to stay for more than three months (and / or take up employment), then they have to:

Necessary documents required when applying for a residence permit

The application and renewal fees for the mentioned residence permit for an EU national and to the members of the family, are CY?5.

It should be noted that the conclusion of formalities for acquiring a residence permit is not an obstacle to the immediate commencement of employment. Interested applicants can get the application forms from the Civil Registry and Migration Department, Ministry of Interior and from the local Immigration Branch of the Police.

When the residence permit is renewed for the first time, the period of residence permit can be restricted to one year, if the holder continues to be involuntarily unemployed for more than twelve consecutive months. After the expiration of this 1-year period, the permit cannot be renewed, if the holder is still unemployed.

The residence permit for employment purposes is valid for a 5-year period and is not withdrawn solely on grounds that he/she is temporarily incapable of employment as a result of illness or accident or if he/she is unintentionally unemployed as certified by the Department of Labour.

A temporary residence permit for employment purposes, can be limited to the expected period of employment in the following cases:

  1. For a period of employment exceeding 3 months but not exceeding a year or when a person is working for a person providing services in the Republic.
  2. For seasonal employment exceeding 3 months, except for the cases where no permit is required (article 10 of N.92(I)/2003).

The members of the family of a European national, have to right to exercise an employed or self-employed activity in the Republic of Cyprus. This permit should be reviewed after a period of two years from the date of issue.

In case nationals of EU Member States wish to pursue a profession that is regulated in Cyprus such as lawyer, medical doctor, accountant, engineer, electrician etc, by legislation determining the specific necessary qualifications and the procedure for acquiring the right to pursue the profession, then the person concerned should contact the competent body responsible to receive and examine applications for the specific profession to acquire the relevant permit, the same way that exists for the Cypriot nationals.


A fine is imposed in the case of non-compliance (Law N92(I)/2003) and specifically a fine of EUR 1'000 to any employer employing a European national without a residence permit as well as to a European national working in Cyprus without the said permit.

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