Cyprus company search
Yes, you can. Just contact us or fill in form on this page.
You need to provide us with the name of the company and / or registration number.
If you wish to know does company in Cyprus exist or not, it is necessary to check whether the company is in the Register of companies in Cyprus.
We can check if you have name or part of the name or number.
Information to be provided:
- Name
- Reg. Number
B or EE = Business Name (Εμπορική Επωνυμία)
C or HE = Limited Company (Εταιρεία)
P or Σ = Partnership (Συνεταιρισμός)
N or BN = Old Partnership (Παλαιός Συνεταιρισμός)
O or AE = Overseas Company (Αλλοδαπή Εταιρεία)
- Type (Limited Company)
- Name Status (Current name)
- Registration Date
- Organisation Status
may be: Active;
- Status date.
Price for this information - 10 euro.
Certificate of Good Standing
Solvency Certificate or Certificate of non receiving order or non-bankruptcy order
Certificate of Registration (Incorporation)
Certified Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association
Certificate of Directors and Secretary
Certificate of Shareholders
Certificate of Registered Address
Certificate of Share Capital
Certificate of Registered Office Address
Certificate pointing out any change of registered Company Name (per change)
Financial accounts (if it has been filed with the Registrar).
only 5%-10% of LTD companies filed; joint-stock companies are required to report once a year
Yes, examples and samples here.
Official documents from Registrar - 100 euro per Certificate.
Certified Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association - 150 euro.
We may provide you with the information in electronic form:
1) Latest Valid Registered Records Report (current valid company registered address, nominal & issued share capital, shareholders, directors, secretary and any currently valid registered financial charges / burdens.
2) Full History Company Registration Records Report: Same as above plus every change of nominal share capital, issuing of shares, transfer of shares, appointments or resignations of directors / secretary, registered address, financial charges / burdens.
Pricing 50 and 100 euro accordingly.
Information may be obtained in 1 working day.
We will send documents to any point of the world.
Just choose Courier or Post Service.
Yes, we can. Documents translation
No. This information is not included in the Cyprus Companies Registry.
Yes, in some cases.
Yes, we can. Apostille and Legalization in Cyprus.
In order to determine the activity of the company, you have to order the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Companies registered in Cyprus are not required to disclose their contact information (contact phone, fax or email), but such information can be found on request.
If you already have a VAT number, you can validate and verify any VAT number directly at the VIES website
This information is not included in the Cyprus Companies Registry and is not in the public domain. Unfortunately we cannot assist at all.
No, there is no such country.
No. The Cyprus Companies Registry files are available for public inspection by anyone, and the target company is never aware how many times and who requested to inspect their company registry file. We will never disclode your contact details and orders are secured by confidentiality.
Yes, List of Registrar in other countries.
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